We began 9 years ago (2010) to build a new cloud operating stack that made data secure and communications private. A lot has changed in computing over the past 40 years. But the way we store data has not changed. We had to solve some core computing science problems to realize our vision. We began by moving to semantic storage instead of the hierarchal file systems, and kept building on our insights. The result is a whole new model of computing, from the ground up.
Cloudmode is a cloud operating stack that orchestrates lots of compute, storage, and networking resources from different data processors in multiple locations, so they work as one. It is delivered as a cloud service that offers virtually unlimited storage and processing power, nonpareil security, true ephemerality, all without giving up control over your data. Appliances (clients) and Trays(servers), powered by CloudMoDe, help customers privatize data.
You can quantify what we do in one word: Privatize - to move from public control to private control. We build a suite of tools and services that help privatize data. Our inventions and technologies help our customers to accomplish this without friction.
We see the opportunity for a new space on the internet: The Private Data Economy, where data is private-by-default, and where users keep control of their content, even after they share it. We build products that make this layer accessible and viable for everyone. This new economy will give rise to new business models. Models that do more than disrupt. They make the old models obsolete.
Why would someone want to privatize their data in an open data economy ?
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